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Here are duplicate links for certificates I've added recently.
January 2009
Allentown Rolling Mill Company
Almada Silver Mining Co.
American Bobbin, Spool and Shuttle Company
Bay State Film Company
Bethlehem Steel Corporation
Blair County Iron and Coal Company
Blodget Canal Company - Samuel Blodget
Border City Mills of Fall River
Boston Carpet Company
The Boston Stage Society - Lorin F. Deland
Bristol Farms Inc.
Canal Fish and Freezing Company
Cape Code Trap Company
Carver Cranberry Company
The Central National Bank of Lynn
Charles H. Jacobs Mining Company
Combination Orchard Company
Consolidated Cape Code Cranberry Co.
The Cowman Manufacturing Company
Cumberland Brown Stone Company
The Damon Sage and Iron Works Company
The Diamond State Steel Company
Dodge and Stevenson Manufacturing Co.
Eagle Hill Mutual Coal Company
Easton Branch Rail Road Corporation
Fall River, Warren and Providence Railroad Co.
Fishkill Mountain Turnpike Company - John Hopkins
Fisk and Company, Incorporated
First National Bank of New Bedford
The Granite State Gold and Silver Mining Company
Hampton Mining and Smelting Company
The Holland Horse Shoe Co.
The Williams Manufacturing Company
Horn Pond Branch Railroad Company
Isle Au Haut Improvement Company
John T. Connor Company
Lowell Co-operative Milk Association
Malagash Silver Fox Company
Mansfield Coal and Mining Company
The Menominee Water Company
Nashua Driving Park Association
National Crash Mfg. Inc.
New-Castle Bridge
The New England Motive Power Company
New England Toy Company
New England Publishing Company
New Hampshire Banking Company
Newton Mining Company
Niagara Mining and Smelting Company
Norfolk Southern Street Railway Company
Philatelic Sons of America
The P.J. Noyes Manufacturing Company
Plymouth Creamery System, Inc.
Plymouth Woolen Mills
Portland Soldiers and Sailors Monument Association
Portsmouth and Concord Railroad
Providence, Warren and Bristol Railroad Company
Red Boy Mines Company
The Ritchie and Dyer Co.
Russell Mills
Seventy Six Mining Company
Silver Lake Manufacturing Company
Sixth Massachusetts Turnpike
Skouheagan Bridge
The Somerset Farmers Co-Operative Telephone Company
The Square Deal Mining, Milling, Drainage, Tunnel and Transportation Company
Standard Gear Co.
Stickney Oil Burner Company
The Stockbridge Casino Company
Stony Brook Railroad.
Taber Mill
Toilet Paper Supply Company
Torrent Aqueduct Association
The Tropical Products Company of Boston
Twenty Century Fire Escape Company
Vermont Shade Roller Manufacturing Company.
Walpole Tire and Rubber Company.
Ware Trust Company
The Warwick Dairymen's Association
West Amesbury Axle and Spring Manufacturing Company
Weymouth Agricultural and Industrial Society
Worcester Bank
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